Florida VA program provides multidisciplinary treatment to veterans with mTBI and persistent symptoms

under water exercise

This article was initially published in our Concussion Update newsletter; please consider subscribing.

The Tampa, Florida VA association’s Post-Deployment Rehabilitation and Evaluation Program (PREP) “is an inpatient rehabilitation program that specializes in the evaluation and treatment of complex reactions and symptoms associated with possible mild TBI.” PREP features an interdisciplinary team that provides “comprehensive individualized evaluations and initiation of treatments for combat-related physical, cognitive, and mental health symptoms.”

The program is unique to the Tampa VA at the moment, but it appears to be one of the more comprehensive multidisciplinary care programs for concussion in the country. Services include headache treatment, individual evidence-based (PE/CPT) therapy for PTSD, insomnia and apnea treatment, medical care/medication management, neuropsychological management, cognitive rehabilitation/speech therapy, vision therapy, audiological rehabilitation, heart rate variability training, vestibular therapy, physical therapy/core training, functional fitness, cognitive balance group, aquatic therapy/therapeutic treadmill, community reintegration, multi-sensory rehabilitation, and vocational rehabilitation.


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