Sleep study for veterans with sleep issues and concussion history

The Sleepless Warriors At-Home study is recruiting veterans age 21+ who have served in the military for at least 180 days, have trouble sleeping, and have a concussion history. 

“Participants are randomly assigned to one of two therapies that are specifically focused on sleep. Both are short-term, structured treatments that teach different skills and techniques aimed at improving insomnia symptoms. The specific skills you learn will depend on which therapy you are assigned.”

“In both treatments, you’ll meet online with a therapist once a week for approximately 1 hour to discuss your difficulties with sleep. The techniques they teach you will be tailored to your personal circumstances.” 

The study involves nine teletherapy appointments and one follow-up appointment after six months. The study also offers compensation for each visit, up to a total of $325.

How to sign up for the study

Follow this link to the study page for more information. Click on the button “Take survey to see if you may qualify.” After taking the survey, you will be prompted to provide your name and contact information, after which you will get a message saying that the researchers will contact you.

Do not call the VA phone number provided on the study page, as there is no phone tree option for the study, and the operator cannot connect calls to the research team.


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