Struggling with depression? Call for study participants–service members & veterans

flyer for clinical trial for depression app

Click on the image to access a downloadable pdf of the flyer

Service members and veterans with a history of mild traumatic brain injury (including concussion) and struggling with symptoms of depression may want to participate in a new clinical trial. The researchers explain that while cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is effective and recommended for depression, it can be challenging to access a CBT provider.

To solve this problem of access to CBT, the researchers will test a mobile CBT app for depression; the app is specifically tailored for the military community. If you’d like to learn more about CBT and depression, please read our Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Mental Health pages.

Study participants will be provided with the CBT app and will work with the researchers remotely. The time commitment is 30–60 minutes per week for 16 weeks. There are no in-person visits, so you can join the study from any location. You may find your depressive symptoms reduced, “but there is no guarantee you will benefit from this study.” There is no financial compensation for being part of the study.

Concussion Alliance has worked with this research group from the Center for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine at the Uniformed Services University several times. We found the team great to work with, and the study’s Principal Investigator, David Brody, MD, PhD, is esteemed in the concussion research space. 

To learn more, contact the study team:

Call or text 301.461.4322 or email

flyer for clinical trial

Click on the image to access a downloadable pdf of the flyer


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